Sunday, October 3, 2010

In The Beginning...

Like many women the mid to late forties was hard for me.  How did I go from someone who was healthy, working out, and feeling in charge of my life--- to scrambling around to save my female "parts". My periods were heavy, I was seriously anemic, and my energy just wasn't there anymore.

In 1999 my doctor discovered a thyroid nodule and diagnosed me with a hypothyroid. Although she read my thyroid levels as low, she did not offer me medication. I didn't know any better and thought it was just something I "had".That same year I ended up in the emergency room with extreme pain in my abdomen. Let's ad uterine fibroids to the mix and their sister HEAVY BLEEDING and cousin ANEMIA. I felt yucky. But as a woman...I just kept on keeping on with no idea that I could feel better.

It took until 2004 when another woman with the same thyroid issue told me her story before I knew I could get relief with thyroid medication!! A week after I starting taking my script the lights went on and I felt awake for they first time in years. My levels became normal--but my thyroid nodule just keep growing. And, I kept on bleeding.

When I turned 48 years old I finally said THIS IS ENOUGH! I was desperate and went to my doctor to see how this bleeding could be stopped. She suggested birth control or a hysterectomy. I didn't want either of those options and decided to take control of my own health.

I spent hours in the bookstore and online. I discovered Emerta Progesterone cream. A natural form of bio-identical hormone that could be purchased at Whole Foods and other health food stores. You did not need a prescription for this cream and I was desperate to try anything that could offer a glimmer of hope. IT WORKED. Along with Chaste Berry (Vitex), iron supplements and B12. I found relief!

After one year of applying the Progesterone cream I was feeling great. My weight was under-control. I stopped bleeding, I was no longer anemic, and I my uterine fibroids felt like they went down. I was a new person. FOR A WHILE.

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